Labels:computer | crt screen | laptop | monitor | plant | road | web site OCR: Results: DROPS.SQL File Help Y Line Numbers Left Margin 001 USE [pubs] 002 GO 003 004 005 FILE c: Bri an Deve lopment LockwoodTech SQLCI ean\DropScr ipt sg 006 007 DESCRIPTION Drop statments for unre ferenced obi ects 800 009 NOTES t.o execut ion 010 Back up dat abase 011 fy no other clients, dat abases etc exist that re ference these 012 Independantly veri fv that objects are in fact. not referenced 013 User and. or applicat: ion error may result in dropping referenced ob 014 LockwoodTech is not responsible for dropped objects, lost data 015 damage loss that may occur through use of this product 016 017 018 019 DROP TABLE [cbo] [discount 0Z0 GO 021 022 Disp lay the status of TABLE DROP 022 GOERROR PRINT TABLE [dbo]. [discounts] DROPPED 024 ELSE PRINT occurred when dropping TABLE: [dbo] .[ ...